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Expiration Date in Plesk
Di Marco Tenuti (del 12/01/2013 @ 22:59:45, in web, linkato 770 volte)

E' più o meno cambiato tutto in PLesk 10 e superiori, ma per chi ha ancora un'installazione di Plesk 9.5.2, di tanto in tanto si presenta il problema di estendere la data di scadenza delle account dei propri rivenditori e clienti e relativi siti internet.

Dal manuale di Plesk 9.5.2, a pagina 132:

Expiration date. Specify the term for a hosting account. At the end of the term, all reseller's sites and sites of the reseller's customers will be suspended, their Web, FTP and mail services will no longer be accessible to the Internet users, and the users will not be able to log in to the control panel. Accounts cannot be automatically renewed, therefore, in order to bring the hosted domain names (Web sites) back to operation, you will need to manually renew the user account: go to Resellers > reseller's name > Resource Usage, specify another term in the Expiration date box, click OK, then click the Unsuspend.