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AllVideos Reloaded and the warning box issue
Di Marco Tenuti (del 26/11/2010 @ 22:01:16, in informatica, linkato 7177 volte)

All Videos Reloaded warning box issue fixedYou maybe have encountered this cosmetic issue with the All Videos Reloaded plugin for Joomla! 1.5.

If you're using Safari browser for Windows, Chrome, or Internet Explorer 8, your videos boxed in your article may spot the warning box of Adobe Flash Player not installed.

The message alerts you that "Adobe Flash Player not installed or older than 9.0.115"! Nevertheless the All Videos Reloaded plugin works well and the videos are played smoothly.

In a couple of seconds I found the fix on the web, namely in the All Videos Reloaded forum in the JoomlaCode website.

How to fix the annoying warning box:

  • Display the HTML source of your article
  • locate AVR plugged code, {youtube}3kxvia_Xmf4{/youtube}
  • You are probably missing the DIV tags
  • Encapsulate the block inside a DIV node
  • {youtube}3kxvia_Xmf4{/youtube}

That simple code should fix the problem.